A Christmas tree

But the Christmas tree doesn't have a good history in Superview and I was thinking of the old one that underwent a nasty death as I was making a home for the new.

A Christmas tree

Suman Chapai

Suman Chapai - Author

Suman is a gardener hobbyist at Superivew.

6 Aug 2021

Perhaps due to the boredom (blaming to the afternoon heat) or my burgeoning hobby for gardening, I lurked up from my room thinking to dig a hole for the Christmas tree we are planning to migrate from Subash's house.

Subash is the son of my maternal uncle, thus my cousin, and also a dear friend to me and to Superivew. And it had been his suggestion that since the Christmas tree growing in his backyard in Pokhara has become too big and that the backyard is soon undergoing construction, the tree has to be migrated to Superview. It was the home for that tree that I was planning to create.

In the initial discussions with mom and Suraksha a couple of days before, I put forth the plan to excavate the lemon (or orange, or another citrus family tree we have no idea what it actually is since no fruits have been seen even after more than 20 years of its age) and then replace it with the new Christmas tree. In the process, however, I wasn't sure myself whether that would be a good idea since my grandpa, who is knowledgable about plants, had put forth the hypothesis that the roots of the citrus had hit the bedrock of Sarangkot thus making it hard for the plant to grow and I doubted if the new tree would have the same problem. And rightly so, the plan was objected mom and Suraksha, and also grandpa the next day. So, I had been thinking of a new space until it clicked to me that it would be a good idea to place it beside the metal stairs leading to the rooftop, in front of the open-floor restaurant (as of this day).

But Christmas trees don't have a good history in Superview, and I was thinking of the old one that underwent a nasty (partial?) death as I was making a home for the new.

Aug 19. 2023

If I remember correctly (as I am having to remember this from Iowa), that (the supposed new) Christmas tree never made it to Superview... I wonder what Subash did to that one.

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